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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

About Suspenders?

You know what I think about suspenders?

I love them! I love my suspenders! Even though I'm a girl, I love suspenders! I first got suspenders for a role in a play I was in. It was wonderful! I played a dude, but I got to keep the suspenders, and I'm wearing them now!

I adore suspenders!

They make every outfit a little more interesting and every costume a little more funky!

^^^^^^ In picture A, we see totally fantabulous suspenders. Picture B shows that some suspenders can even look spicy on the right people in this day. >>>>>
I certainly don't look spicy in suspenders.

So, in conclusion;
suspenders = spicy
no suspenders = not spicy.

End of story.


  1. Mork's suspenders were the best. I had them, waaaay back in the 70s.

  2. Hi Nicole, I absolutely share your love for suspenders, they are so comfortable. And especially girls look adorable wearing suspenders!


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